How it works

MyLuggage is your new solution for convenient and stress-free packing! We’ll create for you a personalized list of necessary packing items, perfectly suited to your destination, weather conditions, transportation ... And over 100 other factors. From leisure in the south of Europe to intensive hiking in Siberia - you can trust us. See yourself how easy it is to use!

  1. Destination and date. First - choose your travel destination and the date.

Pick the date

  1. Trip details. Then we will ask you to provide some details about your trip. Are you planning to rest on the beach or maybe you are going on a business trip? Do you want to visit local restaurants or you’ll decide that you prefer a budget version? All of this will allow us to adapt the list to your needs and style of travel.

What are you going to do?

  1. Your personalized packing list. Based on over 100 factors, we'll analyze your answers and generate a personalized packing list for you - so you won’t forget anything. From the charger, through the passport, to... additional camera cards.

Packing list

  1. Smart suggestions. Your list will be conveniently divided into two categories - the necessary items for which you need to find a place in your luggage, and additional things that you may need. First, we'll ask you to go through the suggested items and add them to your main list. You can hide suggested items at any time.

Suggested items

  1. “To do” list. You will never worry if you have turned off the gas again. With our list of suggested things to do before you leave, you'll remember about everything!

To do

  1. Comfortable and efficient luggage packing. The right list is not everything - at MyLuggage we know that the packaging method is equally important, especially when we have limited luggage space. Therefore, in the application, you will also find a number of tips and articles that will make packing easy as a piece of cake.

Trip insights

MyLuggage is much more than a personalized packing list

It's your new way to plan your journey without stress. We’ll make sure that before your trip you receive all necessary and useful information that will make your trip more enjoyable and easier. 

  • List of things to do before leaving - you'll never forget to water the plants, turn off the oven or leave spare keys to a loved one.

  • Useful information about your destination - based on the real experiences of travelers who have already been there and know what may surprise you.

  • Necessary information about the visa and other documents required - in many countries you have to be prepared so that you won't be surprised by any additional fees or problems with your arrival.

  • List of suggested vaccinations and other health-related information - a safe journey is a successful journey!

  • Baggage restrictions for individual airlines - forget about nervously repacking your suitcases at the airport, when it turns out that there are new regulations.

  • Tips on convenient and trouble-free packaging - so that everything fits and... there is still room for souvenirs.