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Pack with peace of mind

Speed it up
It takes around 4-6 hours to pack. Use our app to reduce this time by up to 90%.
Travel light
Take only the items you need to make your travel unforgettable. Using our packing list app means a lighter baggage.
We’ll remind you to take care of important things like visas or vaccinations before going on a journey.
Everything you need in one place
Health information
Health risks and required vaccinations
Packing lists
Personalized item list to pack matching your destination
Weather insights
Packing list adjusted to local weather

To-do lists
Everything you need to do before leaving home
Weight limits
Never pay excess baggage fees again
Local prices
Average cost of food, tickets and accommodation
Save time during your travel

Shopping lists
Make your shopping swift and easy. You'll never forget to buy toiletries again!
Handy filters
Check which items you need to pack and which ones you can buy locally.

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