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In the current situation, we all must forget about the tropical holidays - but even during the coronavirus pandemic, some of us found ourselves in a situation where travelling is necessary. Staying safe while travelling is a very important issue, and we need to know what we can do to prepare ourselves in the best way. Regardless of whether you want to return to your country, to your family, or maybe you are traveling for business reasons - in this article we will discuss eight basic principles of safe travel.

1. How to protect yourself from a virus?

During the pandemic our lives have changed drastically. Even though most people are locked in their homes, some of us still need to travel - and there are some basic rules that we must follow. Then, and only then we’ll be safe and minimize the possibility of coronavirus infection.

Unfortunately, when traveling, we are often exposed to close contact with hundreds of strangers. When using the train or bus, we sit closer than the recommended 1.5-meter distance, and places such as an airport or hotel are visited by thousands of strangers. We must assume that some of them may be infected with coronavirus. 

So how should we protect ourselves against coronavirus infection? 

  • First, remember to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. If you don't have access to running water on your journey - at least have an antibacterial gel or alcohol-based wipes with you.
  • Remember not to touch your face. Coronavirus is transmitted by droplet route and enters the body through the mucosa. Therefore, do not touch your lips, nose or eyes. Wearing a disposable face mask can help.
  • Regularly disinfect your phone, apartment keys, hotel card and other items that you often use or that other people may have had contact with. Do not use the phone while eating!
  • If possible, avoid cash payments and use a credit card. Increasingly, you can order convenient prepaid cards that let you pay in any currency, without wasting money on currency exchanges at exchange offices. This is not only a more profitable, but also a more hygienic method.

Staying safe while travelling is a key issue - but it's hard to imagine a journey during which we will only stick to isolated locations. In order to reduce the risk of infection, however, we should minimize staying in places that are crowded or where it is difficult to comply with the above rules. It is also a good idea to rent a car - you will avoid traveling by buses, trams or trains. 

But coronavirus is not the only danger that awaits us when traveling. We have prepared for you a few other key tips that will be useful for anyone traveling around the world anytime.

Safe traveling

2. Remember emergency numbers in the destination country

Another important thing is that you should learn by heart and save in your calendar or phone the most important emergency numbers in the country you are visiting. Of course, we don’t wish this to anyone, but during the trip there can be many situations in which you may need the help of the police, ambulance or embassy. Better safe than sorry! 

Of course, there is a universal 112 number, but it does not apply in all countries. It is particularly important that you know the emergency numbers in countries where English is not spoken and while travelling abroad. In addition, in such countries, it is a good idea to learn some basic phrases that may be useful to you in the event of an accident, theft or loss of documents.

3. Get proper travel insurance

The statistics are very concerning - it turns out that very many travelers do not have adequate travel insurance. This is a huge mistake. It is not worth risking your own health or life to save a dozen or so euros. Before leaving, take a moment to check the types of travel insurance available. We have a huge selection these days. Check carefully the regulations of the insurance you are considering.

Check how much money you are insured for, whether the insurance covers the cost of returning to the country, whether you can be admitted to public hospitals, what procedures are covered by the insurance. In addition, travel insurance allows you to provide you with accommodation in the event of a delay or cancellation of a return flight, in the event of theft they secure your luggage, and much more. This will make you stay safe while travelling!

4. Be careful with the information you share with foreign people

If you have a friendly nature, you definitely love to travel. There is no better way to meet new cultures and make hundreds of new friends with fascinating people than traveling the world. By meeting people from other countries, you can exchange experiences, get to know a new point of view, and make friends for life. However, when traveling, when we're filled with endorphins and excited, sometimes we are too reckless about sharing the details of our lives and personal information with new people.

Whether you're an extrovert or introvert - don't trust new people too quickly. It may seem that they have good intentions and want to be friends with you, but unfortunately - you often hear about situations in which a traveler encounters a thief who uses travelers' openness and kindness.

Do not share anything that could be used against you and don't share personal information. Do not say where you keep your money, documents or ticket, where exactly you will be the next day, where you'll be staying, do not get in the car with a stranger and always be careful when accepting meals or drinks from strangers.

5. Learn the basics of self-defense

Basics of self-defense is a skill that everyone should have - not only when travelling abroad. We should be able to defend ourselves in the event of an attack, and travel is a great excuse to go on a long postponed self-defense course. We hope that you will never have to use the skills acquired on it - but it's better to be cautious.

Also make sure to minimize the risk of attack or theft. Avoid traveling alone after dark in an unknown area. Do not boast of expensive items, such as a telephone or camera, and don’t ostentatiously wear them in plain sight - after all, the opportunity makes a thief.

6. Prepare an emergency supply of money

Regardless of whether you travel extremely economically and count every euro, or maybe you want to spend your vacation in a very luxurious way - it is very important that you have money with you for a rainy day when travelling abroad. Never spend all of your money until the very end of your holidays. Even on the way to the airport on the day of departure, there may be a situation where you run out of these last 50 euros when you need them most. 

You must always have money for a taxi to the hospital, rescheduling a flight, an extra night in the city... It might be 50 euro as well as 500 - as long as it makes you feel comfortable. But the most important thing is that you absolutely do not spend this money, but keep them in your wallet no matter what. In the "worst case" you will return home with savings for your next trip!

Safe travelling with MyLuggage App

7. Be careful when using ATMs

In some places you can still only pay in cash. Whether you want to leave a tip in a nice local restaurant or buy souvenirs at a small stall - you will probably need cash at some point during your trip. If you have not arrived at your destination with a supply of cash - you will definitely need to use a credit cards and an ATM. 

Remember to take care of your safety while traveling. Make sure nobody is in your near area when you use the ATM. Check if the ATM you are using belongs to a large bank network and supports the language you understand. Check if the ATM does not have an additional camera mounted, for example one directed at the keyboard. Also check if the ATM keypad does not protrude above the level of the casing. Also, always take your ATM withdrawal confirmation with you - just in case.

8. Choose the right clothes

When choosing the best clothes for our journey, we must focus not only on what is fashionable, but also on our safety. Here we will discuss two aspects - the aspect of convenience and the cultural aspect. Check the weather that we will be in country you're visiting during your vacation. Will it be hot and sunny, or is it supposed to rain? Adjust packed clothes to the weather conditions so that you can protect your head and skin from the sun, have something with you for cool evenings, pack rain jacket and comfortable shoes. After all, nothing spoils a vacation like a sunstroke, rubbed heels or sunburned shoulders.

Secondly, the outfit must be appropriate to the culture of the country you will visit. In many Arab countries, especially women must pay a lot of attention to their attire. Revealing arms, neckline or legs is forbidden. Sometimes women may also be asked to cover their heads. Similar restrictions apply if you want to visit churches, monasteries or temples. You may be asked to leave or refused entry if you fail to comply with dress regulations.

Safe travel - best travel!

Traveling around the world is a great adventure that allows you to create unforgettable memories, but traveling is also a big responsibility. Following these recommendations will ensure that your journey is safe and that you return home safely... And you can immediately plan your next vacation! Follow us for more useful information about travelling abroad and make sure to share and like this article on social media to make sure your friends will stay safe while travelling!