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Trans-Siberian Railway - see what to take with you


Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Baikal, Beijing, or maybe Ulaanbaatar? The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest route in the world - 9288 km long. See what to pack and check out some of the best tips for this travel.

Travel informations

Cel Destination Leisure and hiking
Trip lenght 20 days
Transport Transport Train
Nocleg Accomodation Hostel and  tent
Bagaż Luggage Backpack (65l)


When traveling on the Trans-Siberian Railway, we need to pack things that we would not generally think of. That's why we've prepared the proven (and reliable) MUST HAVE - a list of items without which it will be difficult for you to travel to Siberia.

List of necessary things to pack


  • Passport and visa
  • Photocopy of passport and visa (it is also good to have an electronic version)
  • Payment / credit card (it is worth ensuring SMS password protection)
  • ID card

FOOD (everything can be bought on site)

  • Water
  • Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers)
  • Fruit (bananas, apples)
  • Bread
  • Oatmeal (for pouring boiling water)
  • Chinese soups
  • Canned
  • Dried fruits
  • Dried meat

Packing with MyLuggage App


  • Sleeping set
  • Underwear x6
  • Socks x6
  • Swimming trunks
  • Sweatpants
  • Long trousers
  • Shorts
  • T-shirt x2
  • Breathable t-shirt x2
  • Fleece / sweatshirt
  • Rain jacket
  • Cap


  • Flip flops
  • Comfortable shoes


  • Deodorant
  • Brush and protector
  • Toothpaste
  • Quick-drying towel
  • dry shampoo
  • Lipstick
  • Wipes
  • Antibacterial gel


  • slices
  • Bandage
  • tweezers
  • safety-pin
  • Throat remedy
  • Antidiarrheal drug
  • Painkiller
  • Antipyretic
  • Vitamins and drugs supporting immunity


  • Power bank
  • Charger
  • Sunglasses
  • Spare laces
  • Cup
  • Mess tin (for cooking on a bottle / live fire)
  • Cutlery
  • A flashlight
  • Book / eBook
  • Polish-Russian phrasebook
  • Backpack cover


  • Tent
  • Kari-mat
  • lead
  • Whistle
  • Trekking shoes
  • Pocket knife
  • Rope (string)
  • Torch
  • Insecticide


  • The camera
  • Spare battery
  • Memory card

Pack up with MyLuggage App


Trans-Siberian Railway in numbers

A 20 day trip includes several cities. These are Warsaw -> Moscow -> Irkutsk -> Olchon -> Irkutsk -> Moscow -> Warsaw. The price of a Platzkarta ticket starts from 550 zlotys, and the Coupe - from 850 zlotys. The timetable operates according to Moscow time, and life on the train - according to local time.


  • Most trains do not have a shower. It doesn't seem to bother anyone.
  • However, not everyone accepts such conditions. We advise that you can take a quick shower in the toilet.
  • The water on the train is constantly topped up, so you can take a quick "shower" with a mess tin. Attention! We advise, however, to do it discreetly. The guides (ladies operating the wagon), if they notice it, immediately hand the mop to your hand.


The Trans-Siberian Railway is very safe. Passengers watch over each other, and the whole train is always supervised by two guides, who know all passengers by heart and do not let anyone enter the wagon.

Backpack or suitcase organization

Overnight on the train offers small amount personal space. The suitcase will function as our wardrobe for several days. It's important that it is well organized. We have some good tips on how to avoid mess in this article: 10 ways to pack your suitcase

Temporary home

Complaining will not make the train go faster. The sooner we accept the fact that this is our new home and we have roommates in it, the sooner we'll start to make new, interesting acquaintances.


Railway from stories

Everyone who plans to go to Siberia has certainly heard a lot of stories about how life on the train looks like.
Our experience shows that these stories are often over-colored and exaggerated.
Russians use the train like a regular train and they take care of their lives there. Interesting stories may happen, but the train staff try to keep calm and quiet.